Pirha: AneDigi is a powerful tool for planning anesthesia
Preparations for anesthesia typically entail filling in paper forms and checking patient data in multiple systems. However, thanks to innovative software created in cooperation Atostek and Pirha, that is becoming a thing of the past. The AneDigi program combines data in a single view to make patient care safer and more efficient.
AneDigi is a customized electronic anesthesia plan that makes patient care easier and more efficient. Consisting of a user interface and a number of integrations, it was created for the Wellbeing Services County of Pirkanmaa (Pirha) in Finland according to the specifications of Pirha’s own care process.
Medical records in a single view
AneDigi retrieves and integrates patient information into a single view, making the work of care planners and operating room personnel much more efficient. Since it reduces the chance of errors, it also increases patient safety.
“AneDigi is designed to make life easier for staff, speed up the process and further improve patient safety. AneDigi also greatly simplifies access to and processing of information. The app allows the patient’s background information to be viewed on a single screen in almost all cases, and the information shown is always up to date,” explains Samuli Jokinen, an anesthetist and critical care specialist at Pirha.
Increasing efficiency
Before a patient can be anesthetized, a wide range of background information is needed, including information on medication, laboratory test results and other tests. AneDigi integrates with other necessary information systems and retrieves relevant patient data related to anesthesia care. The app presents the data in a clear view for checking and filling in information, making it a powerful aid in anesthesia planning.
“AneDigi reduces the workload – for example, the manual copying of data has been done away with, and there’s no more logging into several systems. AneDigi enables a dramatic reduction in the use of paper forms,” Jokinen says.
AneDigi has been on trial use in Pirha for urology patients since March 2022. Once the trial ends in autumn 2022, AneDigi will be introduced on a larger scale for a wider range of purposes.
The Wellbeing Services County of Pirkanmaa (Pirha) is one of the largest providers of healthcare services in Finland.