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Atostek Oy

Privacy Policy

This is Atostek Oy’s privacy statement regarding the following personal registers: information about job applicants, information about individuals visiting our website, as well as information about our customers and partners.

Data controller and contact details

Data controller:

Atostek Oy
Hermiankatu 3 A
33720 Tampere
Business ID: 1571997-4

Any questions or requests regarding personal data processed by Atostek should be directed to the e-mail address tietosuoja at atostek dot com.

Personal registers and data contained therein

Register: Information about applicants

As job applicants submit their applications to Atostek, their information is entered in the personal register. This information is then used for recruitment purposes.

Only the information that is relevant for the recruitment process, such as the applicant’s basic information (name, contact details, etc.), education and work history, information regarding the position the applicant is seeking and any other information provided by the applicant, is stored in the register.

Atostek has outsourced the job application processing to Recruitee, which is responsible for storing the applicants’ data. The data is stored in the EU and is not passed on to third parties.

The data processing is based on the applicant’s consent to measures required in order to form an employment contract and to implement Atostek’s legitimate interest.

Register: Information about individuals visiting the website

In order to improve its communications and to track marketing success, Atostek collects analytical data about the individuals who visit its webstore. The collection of analytical data is based on cookies. Cookies are small pieces of data that is stored on a computer’s browser. They can be utilized for e.g. identifying and tracking the user as they visit Atostek’s website and to implement targeted advertisement on other websites.

We utilize the following services to process cookies and visitor data on our website:

• Google Analytics
• HubSpot
• Mailchimp
• Leadfeeder

If the visitor consents to the use of cookies, their visitor data will be assigned a technical identifier and it may be processed using the aforementioned services. If, in addition to this, the visitor discloses their actual personal data (such as their email address) while visiting the website, this data may also be stored and processed using the aforementioned services.

Register: Information about customers and partners

We collect information about Atostek’s customers and partners on a personal register. This register is used to develop the business activities of the parties in question and to maintain cooperative relations with partners. In practice, this means e.g. communication and marketing by e-mail or phone. All our email communications include a link that allows the user to unsubscribe from the commercial mailing list.

Information stored in the register includes the data subjects’ basic information (name, contact information, etc.) and their position in the company. The data is collected in connection with collaboration projects such as existing business undertakings, sales or marketing activities, or the planning of sales or marketing activities, as well as from website visitors when they independently disclose data by, for example, filling out a contact form.

The processing of this information is based on the implementation of Atostek’s legitimate interest.

Data retention period and data protection

The data stored in the above-mentioned registers will be stored only for as long as the law allows and is necessary for the purposes for which the data has been collected.

The information is protected by appropriate measures so that it can only be accessed by persons who are authorized by Atostek to do so.

Rights of data subjects

Legislation guarantees certain rights to data subjects. These rights include the right of access to personal data, the right to rectification or erasure of personal data and, subject to certain conditions, request restrictions to the processing of personal data.

Latest version and changes to the privacy statement

The latest version of the privacy statement can be found on this website. We will update this statement as necessary, for example when legislation or our operations so require.

This privacy statement was last updated on December 8, 2022.