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ERA: the home for social welfare and healthcare data

Developing social welfare and healthcare information systems and applications is easy with ERA services.

The social welfare and healthcare services of the future will be based on data—with ERA services, it is both easy and safe to use and produce that data. The operational use of social welfare and healthcare data improves the productivity of care, especially, and develops the quality of service.

ERA is a data management service for social welfare and healthcare, and it is fully compatible with the national social welfare and healthcare IT services. ERA enables quick and easy development of social welfare and healthcare systems and applications that use the data from those national services. In addition, ERA handles valuable patient and consumer information securely.

ERA in a nutshell

Build your own social welfare and healthcare applications

Are you planning for an information system or an application for the social welfare and healthcare sector? Start using ERA if you want to save time, money and effort. We offer you a wide selection of tools to build different kinds of social welfare and healthcare applications.

When you choose ERA as your data management service, we will take care of compatibility with the Kanta service, managing social welfare and healthcare data, producing documents and cooperation with the authorities. This will give you more time to focus on the actual system development.

With ERA services, you can outsource operating with the national social welfare and health care IT services to us, so you can focus on solving the end user problems and on developing excellent systems.

All you need is ERA

ERA services make compatibility with Kanta straightforward. Kela’s Kanta service is a secure data storage system that fulfills regulations and enables excellent data accessibility. The Kanta service works as an operational information storage for different kinds of social welfare and healthcare organizations. When you save patient and healthcare consumer information directly in Kanta; you do not need to keep valuable information on your own server.

Like all other digital services, the Kanta service is also developed and updated on a regular basis. Transferring social welfare and healthcare data in the Kanta service and retrieving it for use requires technical skills, knowledge of bureaucracy and a lot of time. You can do all this easily, with ERA services.

ERA features

Make social welfare and healthcare data management smooth—ERA transfers patient data and healthcare consumer information quickly. You can also easily edit and search for information in the Kanta service. ERA receives information from the consumer system through an interface or a user interface, validates the data, creates the CDA R2 forms, transfers data into the Kanta service and deals with various error conditions in each phase of the process.

ERA is able to retrieve information efficiently from the Kanta service as mass searches, also. The information is only available for authorized users. Authentication with a smart card and signing documents electronically are easy with the ERA SmartCard. Patient and consumer information is not saved in ERA; rather, it stays safe and secure in the Kanta service.

Cooperating with authorities does not have to be slow and painful. We at Atostek take care of smooth communication for you with all necessary associates. We have a decade of experience in cooperation with Kela, Valvira, the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), and the Digital and Population Data Services agency (Dvv).

Order ERA integration instructions

Easy deployment of the features you prefer

Atostek ERA has a wide range of features and is continuously expanding. Getting started is easy: just choose the elements you need right now.

ERA Arkisto

For the direct data entry and viewing of data in the Patient Data Repository, via Kela’s Kanta services.

ERA Kansa

For entering and viewing client data in the social welfare archive.

ERA Laboratorioille

A laboratory system interface enables automatic data entry to Kanta from various systems, without manual card-based interaction.

ERA Resepti

An electronic prescription service requiring only a web browser, internet connection and an affordable card reader.

ERA Lomakkeet

Search for and store medical certificates and statements via a cloud service or integrated solution.

ERA Osva

Outsourcing service entries directly into your register, based on the producer and organizer’s tools.

ERA Kvarkki

Functionality of image archive for Kela’s Kanta services.

ERA Koronatodistus

ERA Rokote

ERA Health and Care Plan

User interfaces for viewing, comparing, writing and maintaining the health and care plans in Kanta services.

ERA Wellbeing App

An application designed for people to record information about their personal health and wellbeing.

ERA Kokonaiskuva

ERA Kokonaiskuva combines patient data from Kanta services into an intuitive format. In busy clinics, being able to read patient histories at a glance saves lots of time and improves patient safety.

ERA interface description

The architecture of ERA services follows the structure of the Kanta service. ERA has its own entities for the patient data repository and the client data archive for social welfare services. The data is, however, handled smoothly through an integrated interface.

It is possible to use the ERA functions either with XML interface invitations or directly through ERA’s own user interface. Both are fully approved and valid ways of handling the connection with the Kanta services.

Pros Cons
Web interfaces + Getting started is quick and easy.
+ The user interface is automatically updated when the authorities make any changes.
+ The easiest solution for maintaining and developing a consumer system.
– Limited editing of the layout.
– Not the most pleasant way for the users to record or view data.
– A separate system that forces the users to perform tasks in a certain way.
XML interface + A consumer system with its own user interfaces.
+ Enables the best user experience and compatibility.
+ The best option for user and service quality.
– All features are not available due to Kela’s requirements.
– Using the interface requires work from the consumer system developers.
– Any changes that break the interface require maintenance of the integrating consumer system.

Kanta-transfer – transfer old patient data to Kela’s Kanta repository

Organizations can achieve major cost savings by archiving old patient and social welfare client data in the Kanta repositories, and winding down their old information systems.

Ask more from our expert


Sampo Ojala

ERA Account Manager
+358 45 7833 4801

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