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Experiences with AI advising personnel – Join the webinar on October 3rd

What ethical considerations should be taken into account when planning the deployment of AI-based applications or systems in the workplace? Come and hear Atostek’s experiences with an AI that advises personnel! The “Quick Start to Ethical Utilization of AI at Work” webinar will be held on October 3rd.

Atostek’s AI-Mari is an AI assistant developed to support human resource management, providing employees with quick answers to their questions. AI-Mari uses AI-based search, and its database includes extensive internal guidelines for Atostek’s personnel, as well as the information technology service sector’s collective agreement and the Annual Holidays Act, among others.

In the webinar, you will get to hear about Atostek’s experiences with the AI advising personnel:

  • What needs was AI-Mari developed for?
  • How does AI-Mari work in practice?
  • How have ethical considerations been addressed?

Join the free webinar organized in collaboration with the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, and Business Finland, coordinated by the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) on October 3rd, 2024. The webinar will be held in Finnish.

Learn more and register to participate!