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Expert IT Consulting for Public Sector Needs

Digitalization in the public sector makes organisations more efficient, improves the quality and accessibility of services and ensures that public money is spent as efficiently as possible. Our expert IT consultants can help you deliver your organization’s projects efficiently and with high quality.

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Public Sector IT Consulting

Are you looking for ways to ensure efficient, secure digital systems and processes that serve citizens? We have in-depth knowledge and long experience of how public sector organizations can use IT solutions strategically and effectively. Our experts will ensure that the use and development of your IT systems comply with up-to-date legislation. We offer, among other things:

  • comprehensive goal state analyses and strategic planning to ensure that your IT solutions support your organization’s goals and service promise
  • expert assistance with your procurement processes, ensuring transparent and efficient tendering
  • project management excellence to ensure your IT projects are delivered on time and on budget
  • ongoing support and maintenance to keep your IT systems up-to-date and operational.

Our Services

Consulting and Training

Are you planning to implement a major system or need help with feasibility assessment? When you are planning digital systems or services, it is a good idea to engage the help of an expert IT consultant.

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Software Engineering

Are you looking for a partner who understands the importance of software to the challenges and opportunities of the public sector? Perhaps you need a software solution for internal processes or quality assurance?

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AI and Data

Do you want to make better, data-driven decisions and shape your company’s vision for the future? At Atostek, we understand how AI and data can revolutionise your business processes.

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Selected References

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The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency is developing a digital twin to improve management and maintenance of roads, railways and waterways – Atostek’s consultants are on the job

The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency is developing a digital twin to improve management and maintenance of roads, railways and waterways – Atostek’s consultants are on the job

The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency develops and maintains the country’s roads, railways and waterways. Given the enormous size of this overall network, the role of data in managing it and guiding work becomes ever more important. Atostek’s consultants have worked for many years with the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency on a wide range of data management development projects.

One stop for family support services – The family portal brings information and support directly to the home

One stop for family support services – The family portal brings information and support directly to the home, a national online service powered by DigiFinland, revolutionizes the way families access information and support. With Atostek’s expert IT consulting, the portal was crafted to prioritize user-friendliness and seamless functionality.

Controlling component flows with overall architecture at ABB’s frequency converter plant

Controlling component flows with overall architecture at ABB’s frequency converter plant

ABB’s frequency converter plant in Pitäjänmäki, Helsinki, aims to stay at the very top globally in terms of efficiency, quality and employee experience. In the project carried out by Atostek for ABB, the current state of internal logistics operations was assessed, followed by a concept on the desired outcome.

Tuomas Fjällström

Managing Director
+358 45 171 2005

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