Multiple possibilities of secondary use
Through secondary use, anonymized data from health and social services can be used for research purposes. When a large amount of data is manipulated by means of artificial intelligence or statistical methods, it is possible to develop tools for disease risk prediction and for screening, for example. Research in medicines and treatment methods also benefits from access to large masses of data.
Atostek, leading expert on secondary use of Kanta data
Atostek has years of experience in managing data in the health and social services sector, and in the utilization of Kanta data. Our ERA service provides a versatile test environment in which you can generate test data in authentic format and which has all the tools necessary for efficient processes of Kanta data.
Secondary use in research projects
Is your organization planning a research project involving secondary use of data?
We know what must be considered in research projects involving secondary use of data. Our highly trained staff, some at doctorate level, will be able to meet any data science research problem. We are familiar with the legal provisions concerning secondary use of data and take data security and data protection very seriously.
Atostek’s innovative Jasmine research project has received permission from Findata, the Finnish Social and Health Data Permit Authority, to use Kanta material. The project focuses on the automatic utilization and refinement of health data by means of machine learning in particular. Artificial intelligence and risk calculators for various diseases have been applied to the mass of data in the project.
Research and publications
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Let’s talk
Juho Leppämäki
Secondary Use of Health Data & Medical Devices
+358 45 113 8883
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