Introducing healthcare smart cards through Atostek ID – Easy authentication and electronic signature for any application
The Atostek ID reader application handles all necessary communication with social and healthcare smart cards. It enables robust electronic identification and electronic signature processes.
In social and healthcare services, smart cards are used for electronic identification and generating electronic signatures. However, communicating with smart cards is not straightforward. Besides a card reader, an application is required to transmit messages to the reader and interpret the responses sent by the reader.
To address this challenge, Atostek has developed the Atostek ID card reader application, formerly known as the ERA SmartCard application. The Atostek ID reader application handles all necessary communication with smart cards. It enables robust electronic identification and electronic signature processes. These processes can be performed using Atostek’s ERA system, but the application can also be easily integrated with other systems. Additionally, the Atostek ID application can activate smart cards and change card PINs.
Library implementation enables innovative usage
In addition to Atostek ID applications designed for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS operating systems, two Android libraries have recently been developed for the Atostek ID suite. These libraries facilitate the integration of card communication functions into the client’s native Android application.
The Atostek ID Android library implementation consists of two libraries. The inner library, Atostek ID Core, provides interfaces for communication with card readers and smart cards. The library supports various USB and Bluetooth readers, as well as the use of internal NFC readers in Android devices. The Atostek ID Complete library, on the other hand, offers the features of the Core library along with the HTTPS interface and communication with the ERA system.
With the library implementation, the client can create their own native Android application and utilize the Core or Complete library. This allows the client to focus on developing their application’s user interface without investing heavily in card reader and card communication development. When using the library implementation, it is also possible to add custom card readers if devices from another card reader manufacturer are desired, in addition to the USB, Bluetooth, and NFC readers already supported by the implementation.
Atostek ID suite caters to everyone’s needs
The original Atostek ID Android application is a good choice when using Atostek’s ERA system for authentication and electronic signature purposes. Furthermore, it is an easy choice when a card reader application is needed for use with another system, without requiring the system developer to dedicate resources to developing a card reader application.
On the other hand, Atostek ID Android library implementation is a straightforward choice when the system developer wants to create their own application and focus on UI development. This option minimizes the resources required for card communication implementation and testing.
The Atostek ID Android suite offers solutions for various situations, making them easy to integrate and allowing clients to manage their resources more efficiently. Using the library implementation can also make the client’s program more modular, as card reader and smart card communication functions are encapsulated in their own module, relieving the application developer from concerns about the internal implementation.
Jasmin Kuusisto
Software Developer
I work at Atostek as a software developer in the Atostek ID project. I started my journey at Atostek in 2022 and have recently graduated as a Master of Science in Technology. In my thesis, I explored transferring the functionalities of the ERA SmartCard Android application into a library format.