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Medical device usability design

Usability is an important part of each and every piece of device and software. When human health is concerned, it is even more crucial. The IEC 62366 standard helps manufacturers ensure that usability is factored into the development process of…

Speech to text concept vector illustration.

Towards accessibility

Accessibility concerns all of us, but what does it actually mean? Accessibility often refers to the accessibility of websites and mobile services to people with various limitations. Does accessibility, in fact, benefit everyone? Let’s take a moment to think about…

Lääkäri käyttää pöytätietokonetta. Doctor using computer.

UNA Ydin Pilot off to a good start

The UNA Ydin (Core) integration and data management solution, delivered by Atostek and Digia, has been implemented as a pilot in the Hospital District of Northern Savo and Päijät-Sote (Päijät-Häme Joint Authority for Health and Wellbeing). A Tilannekuva (Dashboard) application…

Suurennuslasi tietokoneen näytöllä.

The System Usability Scale as a tool of usability design

How can we measure usability? This is what Atostek user experience design specialist Markus Jaakola has to ponder. Usability is a feature that is required of software, yet that is challenging to measure objectively. When measuring something, it must always…