Lassila & Tikanoja: Waste collection streamlined – Increased efficiency in collection rounds through data analytics
Precisely estimated waste container emptying times helped Lassila & Tikanoja to enhance waste collection efficiency.
Previously, the time spent on a waste truck’s round was estimated using the average emptying time of a waste container. However, there is significant variation in emptying times depending on the location, as some waste containers may be located a walking distance away at the back of a yard, while others are lined up along the driving route.
Lassila & Tikanoja’s trucks have collected location data over an extended period. Atostek developed an application that calculates specific emptying times for each waste container based on vehicle location data and the location information of the waste containers. Additionally, a map view was implemented to display the average emptying time for each container.
These calculated times can be utilized in optimizations related to waste collection. The optimization produces more accurate results and enhances collection efficiency, including reducing the need for resources and fuel costs.
Lassila & Tikanoja is a Finnish service conglomerate focused on providing environmental management and support services for properties and institutions. Its support services include, among other things, cleaning and user services, as well as property maintenance.