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Software only -testing and mobile machines

Software-only testing, in the context of mobile machines, refers to testing that is carried out with nothing else but software. What do you have to take into account in software-only testing, and what kind of tools are available for it?…


How to utilize data in decision making

Many companies constantly produce a huge amount of data, but the data is not utilized in an optimal way. Understanding the data can actually make decision making easier.  Carefully considered reports and dashboards promote and enhance decision-making. By tracking a…


eRA is now ERA

ERA now has a new logo and writing style. Originally, Atostek ERA was an abbreviation for e-prescription and e-archive – over time, the abbreviation has become an established name. With the new logo, there was also a desire to update…


ERA – a development platform for new applications

ERA’s superior technology makes developing new applications easy and fast. New applications being developed through ERA include the ERA Health and Care Plan and the ERA Wellbeing App. ERA enables the efficient development of solutions based on social and healthcare…

Agriculture robotic and autonomous car working in smart farm.

The Beginning of Evolution for Industrial Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomously operating vehicles have already seen their dawn in industrial applications, but their evolution is only just beginning. Nowadays the term autonomous vehicle (AV) seems to be almost synonymous with the term self-driving car. Self-driving cars, of course, enthral the…