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Machine learning boosts problem-solving for industry

Traditional machinery and equipment manufacturers have long been shifting from machinery production only, towards data management. Several kinds of data are being gathered on machinery and its use: maintenance data, data on parts in production batches, customer contacts, problem solving,…


Generating a velocity profile for a mobile robot

This post is based on my M.Sc. thesis, the goal of which was redesigning the velocity profile generator of an autonomous mobile robot. The velocity profile can be used to plan and optimize a robot’s movement. What is a velocity…


3 tips on how to avoid healthcare hacking in the future

A cyber security specialist lists three ways to avoid a disaster like the Vastaamo hacking incident: “Under no circumstances, should information systems show any patient information to end users without strong authentication”. The hacking of the Psychotherapy Center Vastamo, reported…


Study of robot route optimization using genetic algorithm

Master of Science thesis • Author: Viljami Männikkö • Read more My Master of Science thesis “Spline optimization: Spline optimization using a genetic algorithm in AGV system”, written at Atostek, examines spline optimization from the point of view of robot…