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Atostek passed Finnish auditions for on-line prescription

Atostek's eRA system was officially approved by the independent social security institution Kela for handling on-line prescriptions. Furthermore, Atostek Ltd. was approved by Kela as an intermediate organisation for handling on-line prescriptions. The approvals were based on succesful audits organised…


Rocla and Atostek fly together

Atostek Ltd. and Rocla really had a flying day together. A new project took off with loud cheers, and the other project is already flying ahead of the schedule. - We visited the wind tunnel at Sirius Sport Resort recreational…


Atostek sponsors XIII Turku PET Symposium

Atostek is one of the main sponsors for XIII Turku PET Symposium, which will take place in Turku, Finland, on May 24-27, 2014. This traditional symposium will attract 550 visitors around the world. The visitors are involved in PET (Positron…


Stronger Buyer in a Public Information System Project

As a contractor's supporting expert and project management consultant, Atostek has taken care that the contractor's goals are met, while the overall project management remained on the contractor's responsibility. In the T-LOIK project, Atostek and Finnish Transport Agency have successfully…


600Minutes Teollisuuden Tuotekehitys Summit

600Minutes Teollisuuden Tuotekehitys is an annual summit for the Finnish industrial Research and Development leaders to meet each others and providers of R&D services. There will be plenty of interesting keynote presentations and plenary talks. Between the presentations, there will…


New detector layer succesfully inserted to LHC at CERN

On 7th May 2014, a new detector called Insertable B-Layer (IBL) was successfully inserted to the Atlas detector experiment on Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. IBL is an additional pixel layer capable of detecting elementary particles present in hadron…