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Receptum and Atostek provide Health Point for pharmacies

Atostek is providing technology to Receptum for connecting new pharmacy Health Points to the Finnish Kanta services.

“Receptum chose Atostek’s ERA Arkisto service to get an instant solution for the Kanta integration. Thus, we don’t have to invest time and money in development and maintenance work. Furthermore, we get a modern browser-based user interface for entering patient records into the Kanta Patient Data Repository as well as browsing those records,” says Mr. Juha Antila, Receptum’s Managing Director.

“Majority of Finnish pharmacies use our MAXX Apteekki solution. Naturally, we want to provide a Health Point solution to these customers,” continues Mr. Antila.

Health Points create the need for pharmacies to integrate their systems with Finland’s national Patient Data Repository which is a part of Kanta services of Kela (Social Insurance Institution). Pharmacies have already been connected to Kanta services since 2012 due to the deployment of the Electronic Prescription. However, Health Point requires access to the Patient Data Repository where nurses must write log entries for the performed treatment.

Many Finnish pharmacies are extending their operations with low-threshold healthcare services. A nurse working at a Pharmacy Health Point may e.g. vaccinate patients, measure blood pressure, or perform minor treatment. A permission from the Regional State Administrative Agency is required along with a designated doctor. Currently there are about ten Health Points in operation and the number is expected to grow fast.

“Tens of thousands electronic prescriptions have been made using Atostek’s ERA Resepti cloud service since it was published more than one year ago,” says Mr. Mika Torhola, Atostek’s Managing Director.

“Early this year we will launch our eRA eArkisto cloud service for the Patient Data Repository. It will be the first connection service to Kanta which is independent of patient information systems. It provides easy and fast means to integrate organisations or existing information systems to Kanta repositories. Thus the development and operation cost is distributed among multiple users saving money and offering a fast short-cut to access Kanta services,” continues Mr. Torhola.

Receptum – We combine technological excellence with a unique understanding of the pharmacy sector.