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Atostek at Valtio Expo 2015: Power to the Customer!

At Valtio Expo 2015 trade fair, Atostek's leading consultant Dr. Leena Eskola will give a presentation titled as "Power to the Customer!". The presentation introduces the role of an IT construction consultant as the head assistant of the customer in…


Workshop for Wearable Intelligence at TUT

At the end of March 2015, companies, researchers, and students gathered together to find new innovations for Wearable Intelligence at Tampere University of Technology (TUT). The workshop was titled as "Opportunities and Future Applications Provided by Wearable Intelligence" (Älylasiteknologian mahdollisuudet…


Google Glass development for professional applications by Atostek

Google Glass development is now aiming for professional use in commercial applications. Google improves the glassware, and consulting companies develop applications. The  glassware is available for enterprise customers only through the consulting companies, such as Atostek. Currently, the glassware is…


Atostek’s online archiving eRA at joint testing

In April 2015, Atostek's eRA system for electronic online archiving will be jointly tested with other KanTa systems (Finnish Prescription Centre and Patient Records Repository) at KanTa client test service arranged by Kela, the Finnish Social Insurance Institution. Joint testing…


Recruitment Fair Yrityspäivät Feb 4-5, 2015

Atostek participates the local university student recruitment fair Yrityspäivät, on Feb 4-5, 2015, Tampere, Finland. Atostek's desk T16 is located at Tietotalo, Tampere University of Technology, and it's open on Thursday between 10 am and 16 pm. Atostek's Managing Director…


Terveysteknologia&Health Fair, 7-9 Jan, 2015, Helsinki

Atostek Ltd. participated in Terveysteknologia&Health fair on Helsinki Expo and Convention Center, 7-9 January 2015. Atostek's promoted it's health care related IT-services, such as eRA ePrescription - Stand-alone online prescription system requiring no patient information systems eRA KanTa eArchive -…