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Machine learning boosts problem-solving for industry

Traditional machinery and equipment manufacturers have long been shifting from machinery production only, towards data management. Several kinds of data are being gathered on machinery and its use: maintenance data, data on parts in production batches, customer contacts, problem solving,…


RegOps – agile development of medical software

The development of a medical device or software is regulated in Europe by the Medical Device Regulation (EU 2017/745). Then again, MDR does not really involve much extra work to software development – compared to what it should be anyway.…


Software only -testing and mobile machines

Software-only testing, in the context of mobile machines, refers to testing that is carried out with nothing else but software. What do you have to take into account in software-only testing, and what kind of tools are available for it?…

Agriculture robotic and autonomous car working in smart farm.

The Beginning of Evolution for Industrial Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomously operating vehicles have already seen their dawn in industrial applications, but their evolution is only just beginning. Nowadays the term autonomous vehicle (AV) seems to be almost synonymous with the term self-driving car. Self-driving cars, of course, enthral the…


Feasibility study of long-form question answering

Long-form answers can be context-dependent and need to incorporate information from multiple sources to form a satisfying answer. In a way, long-form question answering (LFQA) is analogous to producing short essay answers to questions. My master's thesis aimed to answer…


Archiving old data to Kela’s Kanta Services

From the data controller’s perspective, transferring old healthcare patient data and old social welfare client data from local systems to Kela’s Kanta archive saves time, effort and funds. With regard to data protection, data security and data accessibility, it is…


NFC connection with healthcare smart cards

NFC authentication makes for a more fluent user experience in healthcare information systems, especially for mobile users, because no card reader is required. In my blog text, I discuss my thesis, the purpose of which was to implement support for…