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Feasibility study of long-form question answering

Long-form answers can be context-dependent and need to incorporate information from multiple sources to form a satisfying answer. In a way, long-form question answering (LFQA) is analogous to producing short essay answers to questions. My master's thesis aimed to answer…


Archiving old data to Kela’s Kanta Services

From the data controller’s perspective, transferring old healthcare patient data and old social welfare client data from local systems to Kela’s Kanta archive saves time, effort and funds. With regard to data protection, data security and data accessibility, it is…


NFC connection with healthcare smart cards

NFC authentication makes for a more fluent user experience in healthcare information systems, especially for mobile users, because no card reader is required. In my blog text, I discuss my thesis, the purpose of which was to implement support for…

Insinööri kävellee

What are the benefits of simulation?

Virtual world, digital twin, modeling – simulation has many different names. What can be simulated and what are the benefits of simulation? Almost anything can be simulated. For example, in the industrial sector, the world and machines are simulated. Simulating…

Hand putting wooden cube block stacking with icon.

From idea to Proof-of-Concept in 8 weeks

I was recently lucky enough to be part of an early stage product development project. The project is quite exciting, as it combined three of my passions; healthcare, efficient value delivery and product development! Together with the team, we boldly…


Medical device usability design

Usability is an important part of each and every piece of device and software. When human health is concerned, it is even more crucial. The IEC 62366 standard helps manufacturers ensure that usability is factored into the development process of…