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Atostek among Apotti IT consulting partners

Atostek has been chosen as an IT consulting partner for Oy Apotti Ab in two application areas. In the EU wide public tendering in Finland, there were 20 companies offering social and health care system integration services. Atostek came first among…


Klinikka 1 qualified for eArkisto

Klinikka 1 has succesfully passed the formal compatibility test required for all systems or organisations using the electronic archiving feature of the Kela's Kanta services. Kanta is a Finnish service which provides seamless transfer of patient information history and thus…


Machine Vision recognises damaged road surface

Road surface conditions can be monitored by an automated camera application installed on a moving vehicle. The applied machine vision technology is capable to detect and differentiate cracks and other damage from the ordinary background surface objects. Atostek and Destia…