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Authentication and authorization in microservices architecture

A microservice architecture is a system consisting of several small services that operate independently of each other. In such a system, authentication and authorization are more complex matters than in traditional monolithic software applications. Authentication and authorization are the processes…


ERA granted A3-category certificate

Atostek ERA has been granted the A3-category certificate for social care and health care information systems. The A3 category is the highest category. The A3 certificate granted to ERA proves that ERA is compatible with Kanta and a secure social…


Pirha: AneDigi is a powerful tool for planning anesthesia

Preparations for anesthesia typically entail filling in paper forms and checking patient data in multiple systems. However, thanks to innovative software created in cooperation Atostek and Pirha, that is becoming a thing of the past. The AneDigi program combines data…


RegOps – agile development of medical software

The development of a medical device or software is regulated in Europe by the Medical Device Regulation (EU 2017/745). Then again, MDR does not really involve much extra work to software development – compared to what it should be anyway.…